Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Comfort Quilt

Hi!  If you enjoy this blog, please become
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is going on in my life.  All the best!  ~ Ellen

This would look great as a
scrappy quilt!

Cutting Requirements:

Fabric A: Dark
8 - 2 1/4" squares
I made mine 4 - red, 4 - blue

Fabric B:  Light
4 - 2 1/4" x 5" rectangles

Fabric C:  Light
4 - 2 1/4" x 1 1/2" rectangles

Fabric D:  Dark
1 - 1 1/2" square

Make center 9 patch first.
Layout Fabrics A,C, & D
as shown and sew together
in 3 rows.  Press rows 1 & 3
to the inside and row 2 to the outside.

Sew rows together.

Square to 5".

Sew Fabric A squares to
the ends of 2 Fabric B

Sew Fabric B rectangles
to each side of center
9 patch as shown.

Layout as shown.

Sew rows together and
square to 8 1/2".

Here is another one I did.

And another.

And another.

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